So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

all things new

i was so happy for my friend who, via phone the other night, told me about being accepted into a graduate program in a new city.  

"When are you moving??" i asked. 
"I don't know.  I have to figure that out.  I have to figure a lot of things out."

friend, i've been thinking about you and your exciting life changes all day.  i know you're both elated and overwhelmed.  your head probably feels like it's spinning, like you've had one too many glasses of wine and you're just the tiniest bit dizzy.  i understand this feeling.  it's natural.  (for relief, i suggest having a few glasses of wine and taking your mind off of things for a while.)  you've been in Philadelphia for so many years, and suddenly it is no longer "home."  it's a waiting room.

if i were to give you any advice, i would say to look only forward.  of course, be mindful of and enjoy those things about your longtime home that you will miss -- the walks through familiar parks, the sticky buns at the market, the constant reminders of years gone by and friends gone away.  

but soon you'll find new parks through which to wander, new photo opportunities, new decadence, new coffee shops where you feel comfortable enough to have a bm, and new memories with new friends.  you won't have to think of the people who have moved away or the ones remaining who you hope you won't run into.  you'll be in a new place.  you'll be a new you.  

i am so excited for you, and i hope that when your head stops spinning, you are full of joy and excitement. who knows what's in store for you?  who knows the great people you will meet? who knows who you will love?  Jesus knows.  but he doesn't want to talk to you, because you're gay. 

seriously, though...  so happy.

amore e baci.  

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