my neighbors were into puzzle competitions for a while- michelle bought three of the same puzzle and there were three teams of two. el dorado picked up a mountain puzzle at circle thrift which laid underneath our couch in shambles for a month before we threw it away- shhh only two of us know. yours looks so good! is it a plaza?
after having a go at life as a commercial litigation attorney in Philadelphia, i decided to give up the pursuit of wealth and status.
these days i'm pursuing happiness, and so far it's working quite well. i'm working on a new career, and i'm trying to follow my bliss. i'll tell you all about it.
my neighbors were into puzzle competitions for a while- michelle bought three of the same puzzle and there were three teams of two. el dorado picked up a mountain puzzle at circle thrift which laid underneath our couch in shambles for a month before we threw it away- shhh only two of us know.
yours looks so good! is it a plaza?
es la fontana de Trevi en Roma.
make a wish!
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