So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Friday, January 2, 2009


as we enter the new year, with new resolutions and new goals for ourselves, i thought i would share an interesting perspective on weight loss/dieting/body image.

don't get me wrong, i'm totally disregarding this advice, which was probably written by an eating disorder counselor. and even though i'm going to starve and sweat myself into shape (my goal is to lose 40 lbs!), it's still worth noting:

I can't even imagine that we were put on the face of this Earth in order to be thin. I think most of us are here on a mission different from a job or a career. I think we're here to do helping and healing and discovery and creation.

The injunction in our culture is to 'be perfect,' which is ridiculous, impossible, and not only that - it is boring! Perfection means that you have to be totally still, that nothing can ever change. To live that way would be disastrous...

I think the idea of body size is a diversion and a distraction from the real work. The process of being here is the most important, and we must honor that with respect and love.

Clarissa Estes

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