So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Monday, January 5, 2009

time crunches

it's really cute how people roll into the office the first work day of the new year with healthy resolutions, Lean Cuisines, and fat-free salad dressing for the fridge...

back in the fall, i made a deal with one of the ladies at work that we'd each lose at least 10 pounds by february 1. and after gaining weight every month since she made that new year deal, she's NOW geared up to begin losing it.


first, i'm way ahead of her, already half way to my goal (really slow progress is more likely to last*). and second, unless she's planning to have lipo in the next few weeks, she's not going to make it. BOO-YAH! I WIN!!!

of course, it wasn't really a competition, but rather a mutually-encouraging accountability pact. however, there's nothing like a competitive spirit and a fast-approaching deadline to light a fire under my fat ass.

here's my before picture, taken just a couple weeks ago. i feel that any improvement over this will be a major win on my part.

*though, now facing a time crunch, i'll settle for really fast, less permanent success.

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