So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Friday, May 30, 2008

the entire spectrum

it wasn't so much a movie as it was an emotional experience.

in the past two hours and fifteen minutes, i think i experienced the full range of emotions i've felt in the past four and half years. and i don't think i'm the only one.

is that sad? that a film can be so manipulative/effective? or that there are so many emotions that one slight, blunt prod can almost burst the balloon like a pin prick, or at least tear the tiniest hole in it?

so as not to spoil it for anyone, i'll say only that it was fantastic. it was lovely.

1 comment:

Eric Puglisi said...



need to see it again.