So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Friday, May 9, 2008

where's the beef?

8 days ago i started a new diet -- er, new lifestyle, as they say -- okay, that's just false. this is a crash diet, and i can be honest about that.

the goal: a lean beach-ready body by august, as the yin to my previous goal of putting on weight (which i think i did fairly well with - 15 lbs from Christmas to may 1)
the punishment: no carbs, basically. well, some carbs at breakfast are ok, and fruit (which i don't really like anyway) is ok. also, increased cardio.
the preliminary results: in 8 days, i've lost 4 - maybe 5 - pounds, according to the scale at the gym. this is the same scale i've been using since december, even though my mom got me a scale for at home (a christmas gift. probably because at thanksgiving she and my brother both noted that i had "gotten a belly."). anyway, i don't use the at-home scale. it's glass, and i feel like i'm going to break it and have shards of glass in my feet. anyway...

so it's going well, right? 4 pounds lost in a week?

but no. because that wasn't really the plan. i didn't want to lose pounds, i just wanted to lose fat. and i thought that if i ate enough protein and fat, i could keep up my weight and yet somehow turn into this chiseled, muscular, big, lean machine. i was wrong. because i'm starving to death.

no matter how much i've eaten in the past week, i've remained hungry. i bet that if i'd have even one little triscuit or a crouton, i'd instantly feel satisfied. but i've tried not to do that. so here i am, wasting away to nothing.

i'm open to all advice you may have. remember the goal: beach bod, NOT skinny bod.

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