So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

when your eyes say it

atticus sensed that today was a big day. he sat on the sink and watched as i brushed my teeth, as i did my hurr, as i sighed repeatedly. he followed me around the apartment as i got dressed and gathered my books. then, when it was time to head off for my first day of school... well, actually by that point he was already asleep in my sock bin, which has become his new favorite place.

i think all the cute med residents (in their sexy scrubs, no less) heading over to HUP could sense it, too. not only from me, but because there were 7 of us on the bus, all clutching the same 20-pound outline book, all with the same slightly far away look in our eyes.

the name of the game is routine. that's not so hard, is it? wake up early, go to review, work through the afternoon, have dinner, go to bed. it's really no different from the average working man's daily life, except we're not like that everyman. we've been in school for 20+ years, and surprisingly we don't do well with the same strict routine every single day.

it's only for 2 months.

it'll be fine. it'll be great. i feel nothing.

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