So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

everybody's got his something

things that center me:

*doing laundry
*buying new shoes
*throwing away outlines post-exams
*cleaning my abode
*falling asleep at the beach
*shaving and getting ready to go out
*driving, preferably fast
*creating a new playlist on my iPod
*finishing a book
*updating my checkbook

feeling centered is similar to feeling happy, yet the two are different.
in my mind, centered is more comparable to joyous.
joy is more pure, more simple than happiness.

happiness is its own category. it should probably get its own quick list

things that make me happy:

*getting cards in the mail, especially when it's NOT my birthday
*going an entire day without receiving a pointless text message
*pizza anytime after midnight
*random gifts. . . and not-so-random gifts
*talking to d on the phone


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