So, this is my life.

And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

a lovely date

tonight i watched a basically straight-to-dvd from 3 years ago that i had just never bothered watching until now. my loss.

it was lovely. the wedding date. if you haven't seen it, i recommend it. it was fun, fast-paced, and had a soundtrack that was 70% michael buble'. if you know me at all, you know that buble' (or, as danielle used to say, "bubble," wins my heart.)

that reminds me -- in fact, most of the movie reminded me -- of london. even if we spent the entire trip listening to "i wanna go home..." we both knew we were in heaven. we didn't want to go home. london was so nice. so... right. it really felt like home. it probably wouldn't have, had you not been there. but you were there. and it did.

at one point in the film, they played cricket in kensington gardens, where we spent a rainy afternoon wandering and talking, searching for the marble arch. it's big, but it isn't easy to find.

at any rate, here are a few of my fave quotes from my date tonight. but i suggest you watch it for yourself.

* * *
I've been spilling my guts all weekend and I don't know a thing about you.
... I'm allergic to fabric softener. I majored in comparative literature at Brown. I hate anchovies. And I think I'd miss you even if we never met.

* * *
There's no such thing as "out of the blue".

* * *
What's wrong??
Nothing that a bottle of Jack and a straight razor won't fix.

1 comment:

Eric Puglisi said...

I HATED the wedding date. Adam and I rented it and watched like 80% of it. I've never returned a movie the same day I rented it. I just didn't want it in my house anymore.